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With starting a new career during the pandemic and facing some challenges along the way, Massimiliano shares what he enjoys most about working here and why he feels it is a unique place to work. Being part of a multinational company, Massimiliano appreciates being given the opportunity to work with both colleagues and clients from across the globe.
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Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Burn Domingo, I am a Data Analyst in the Project Health and Benefits North America team. I started my career at WTW in June 2019 and since joining I have been overwhelmed by the amazing working environment and inclusivity at WTW.
How would you describe the environment at WTW?
In my opinion, the environment at WTW is very inclusive, and the people at WTW are what makes it a great place to work. I was lucky enough to work with some trainers from the US team who were incredibly friendly, approachable, and always willing to lend a helping hand. WTW’s values are deeply rooted within the company and this was clear from the very start of my career here.
What does it mean to you to be a part of the WTW community?
I am part of the LGBT+ community and because WTW has an incredibly inclusive and diverse working environment, there is no discrimination or judgment and we are all completely respected as individuals.
Do you feel like you can truly bring your full self to work at WTW, and if so, why?
I feel like I can always bring my true self to work, without the fear that I will be judged. There is a great work-life balance at WTW which allows me to be myself at work and I am also encouraged to enjoy my personal time. WTW ensures that their colleagues feel included and appreciated, while encouraging us to be ourselves, whoever that may be.
What is your favourite thing about working at WTW and why?
I really enjoyed being a part of one of the WTW Engagement Team projects. Here I was able to share a lot of ideas that encouraged our colleagues to become more involved and enjoy the environment at WTW. Another thing I appreciate are the training opportunities that are conducted for free across the business, which provide new opportunities to colleagues.
What advice would you give to future candidates that are considering joining WTW?
Joining WTW has made me much more confident as a person and has aided in my development of many skills. They have helped me grow and are not afraid to challenge me. If you are looking for a company that will provide endless opportunities and encouragement in the development of your career, then WTW is a great company to work for.
Learn more about our Benefits Administration Team by clicking here.
Équipe Marché des assurances individuelles
Département Administration des prestations d’avantages
Lieu Tempe (Arizona)
Embauché en 2010
Diplôme universitaire Université Brigham Young, administration des affaires
Intérêts personnels
Ma famille : quatre enfants et un qui arrive bientôt! J’aime aussi le golf et la menuiserie. Je fabrique des meubles, que nous utilisons dans la maison. Je fais également des vidéos commémoratives pour des remises de diplômes ou des mariages.
Racontez-nous votre parcours chez Willis Towers Watson.
J’ai été engagé comme conseiller saisonnier en avantages sociaux. Le conseiller est un agent qui détient une licence lui permettant de vendre des régimes d’assurance santé Medicare à des retraités faisant partie des associations de clients de Willis Towers Watson. Les conseillers en avantages sociaux accompagnent des participants de tout le pays dans leur transition d’une assurance groupée à une assurance individuelle du marché des assurances santé Medicare. J’ai ensuite occupé un poste saisonnier de représentant au service à la clientèle. J’agissais comme personne-ressource pour les clients inscrits à notre marché des assurances individuelles. J’aidais les participants dans le règlement de réclamations, dans la présentation de recours, ainsi que dans d’autres services de comptes. Ceci m’a mené à de nouvelles fonctions de superviseur des opérations, où j’étais à la tête d’une équipe de 15 conseillers en avantages sociaux qui vendaient des régimes d’assurance santé Medicare à des retraités faisant partie de nos associations. Je suis ensuite devenu superviseur des opérations de 10 à 12 équipes de conseillers. Maintenant, en tant que gestionnaire des opérations, je m’occupe de la transition des nouveaux clients et je dirige plusieurs gestionnaires des opérations d’inscription et leurs équipes. En parallèle, j’assume le rôle de responsable de secteur. Je m’occupe des activités des nos centres d’appels de Tempe, en Arizona.
Quelles sont vos responsabilités quotidiennes?
En tant que gestionnaire principal des opérations d’inscription, je m’occupe de la transition de nouveaux clients employeurs qui passent d’une assurance de groupe à une assurance personnelle pour leurs retraités. Je dois atteindre les objectifs de transition de tous les clients admissibles à Medicare. Je m’occupe également de communiquer quotidiennement avec mes équipes d’inscription du segment Retraite et de veiller à ce que les inscriptions se fassent avec succès. Je produis des rapports hebdomadaires pour les directeurs de division, indiquant le progrès des inscriptions et l’état de la gestion du rendement des équipes et des agents.
En tant que responsable de secteur, je supervise les activités relatives à la gestion du rendement et à la participation des employés. J’organise également des visites du centre pour nos clients actuels et potentiels. Je chapeaute les événements caritatifs, les séances sur la sécurité et les sessions d’accueil de nouveaux employés, entre autres.
Quels sont les défis principaux auxquels vous faites face? Comment les relevez-vous?
Le plus grand défi que je dois relever dans le cadre de mon poste est le roulement des employés chaque année. Un pourcentage important du personnel est saisonnier et travaille lorsqu’il y a un grand afflux de demandes pendant la période des inscriptions. Ceci signifie qu’il faut former les employés chaque année si nous voulons offrir une expérience de qualité. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour gérer cette problématique en utilisant des processus simplifiés et en nous concentrant sur le développement professionnel. L’objectif est d’aider mes collègues saisonniers à développer leurs aptitudes assez rapidement pour pouvoir accéder à d’autres postes dans l’organisation avant que leur contrat saisonnier ne prenne fin.
Quelles formations et sessions de développement l’entreprise vous a-t-elle offertes dans le cadre de votre poste?
J’ai eu plusieurs occasions d’avancement chez Willis Towers Watson. J’ai été responsable de la création d’un système qui servirait à gérer tous les postes opérationnels des avantages sociaux pour retraités dans le marché des assurances individuelles. Cet outil est utilisé par les superviseurs des opérations et par les gestionnaires pour faire un suivi quotidien, hebdomadaire et mensuel des objectifs des collègues. Au cours des deux dernières années, j’ai chapeauté la mise en œuvre semestrielle de l’évaluation du rendement des employés saisonniers car ils n’étaient pas évalués par notre système global interne. En plus d’avoir droit à une évaluation qui résume la qualité de leur travail par rapport aux valeurs de Willis Towers Watson, les employés ont accès à des commentaires critiques en temps réel et à du mentorat.
De quoi êtes-vous le plus fier depuis votre arrivée chez Willis Towers Watson?
Ce qui me rend le plus fier est le rôle que j’ai joué dans l’ouverture de nos nouvelles installations de service à la clientèle à Tempe, en Arizona. J’ai participé à la planification architecturale, aux effort de recrutement, à l’hébergement pour les formations extérieures, ainsi qu’à la création de la culture organisationnelle d’un tout nouveau personnel. Le site de Tempe est unique en son genre. Plusieurs secteurs d’activités sont installés dans le même bâtiment. Ceci a exigé, et exige toujours, beaucoup de travail d’intégration. Les installations sont fonctionnelles depuis trois ans et 500 employés, incluant les saisonniers, y travaillent.
Récemment, j’ai fait partie des 100 employés qui se sont vu remettre un prix CEO Circle. Pour me qualifier, je devais être nommé par au moins deux collègues. Les juges évaluent si les nominés respectent et encouragent les valeurs de Willis Towers Watson, soit la priorisation du client, le travail d’équipe, l’intégrité, le respect et l’excellence. Les juges essaient également d’estimer la valeur que le participant ajoute à l’organisation grâce à la complétion de projets. Mon travail acharné au quotidien a été reconnu. C’est une leçon d’humilité et ça me motive.
Comment décririez-vous la culture d’entreprise de Willis Towers Watson?
La culture d’entreprise met le client au cœur des décisions. Les gens de tous les rangs s’efforcent toujours à rendre les services aux clients meilleurs. Par exemple, les nouveaux agents parlent quotidiennement avec les retraités inscrits à notre marché des assurances individuelles. Ils les rassurent, répondent à leurs questions, et leur font savoir qu’ils peuvent toujours communiquer avec nous s’ils ont besoin d’aide.
Quel est l’aspect de votre travail que vous préférez?
J’aime beaucoup rencontrer des clients potentiels et leur parler de ce que nous pouvons offrir à leurs retraités qui passent d’une assurance groupée à une assurance personnelle dans notre marché des assurances individuelles. Nous mettons de l’avant le choix du client; nous proposons plusieurs options aux participants afin que ceux-ci trouvent ce qui convient le mieux à leurs besoins. Nous demeurons objectifs lorsqu’il s’agit d’aider les gens à s’inscrire aux régimes. Nous voulons surtout nous assurer que chaque personne trouve son compte lors d’une entente.
Qu’est-ce qui vous surprend dans l’exercice de vos fonctions?
Je suis fier de faire partie d’une organisation qui priorise l’expérience des clients et des retraités plutôt que ses revenus. L’entreprise veut bien faire pour le client et croit qu’une telle approche aura une incidence positive sur les revenus et la croissance à long terme.
Qu’attendez-vous de votre carrière dans l’avenir?
J’aimerais être plus impliqué dans les stratégies de vente. Je pense que ma connaissance de la division dans laquelle je travaille pourrait servir à innover et à faire progresser l’entreprise, à percer sur de nouveaux marchés et à élargir notre offre de produits.
En vous inspirant de votre expérience, pouvez-vous donner des conseils à quelqu’un qui envisage une carrière chez Willis Towers Watson?
C’est une entreprise dans laquelle vous pouvez faire avancer votre carrière. Maîtrisez vos tâches rapidement afin de progresser et obtenir un nouveau poste. Transférez vos compétences d’un poste à l’autre pour avoir encore plus d’influence dans vos nouvelles fonctions. Et plus d’influence vous aurez sur nos clients, plus vous vous sentirez valorisé et comblé par votre emploi.
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Tell us about your internship and why you chose WTW as your employer.
My internship program is based out of Taguig City, Philippines, and it is a combination of software development and software engineering. Specifically, I work on WTW’s compensation software, and my main responsibilities include working on client assignments. This has presented me with the opportunity to develop both my technical and soft skills through training and hands-on projects. Initially, I had the luxury of having internship offers from different companies, but my interview experience at WTW stood out to me. I was impressed with the culture and positive attitude the managers had shown, as well as their expectations and challenges for me as an intern. The idea of getting to experience WTW’s business and corporate setting with immediate exposure to client assignments and real-life challenges so early in my career intrigued me. Getting that kind of exposure, while being guided and supported along the way sold the deal for me.
Describe your work style and explain why this is ideal for you.
My work style is remote, which works for me because I had already gotten used to taking online classes. Remote work is great because I get to work from the comfort of my own home and environment, with the company of my family. It’s particularly beneficial to me because since the pandemic I have been residing with my family in our province which is quite out of the way; it would be about a four-hour drive if I had to go into the office. Since starting this program virtually, I’ve still gotten to know my team well and have quickly been able to learn their ways of working and how to collaboratively approach assignments. Lastly and most importantly, WTW’s flexible work styles have ensured that I maintain a healthy work-life balance.
What is it like so far working at WTW?
So far, working at WTW has been very exciting considering this is my first internship experience. When I first joined, I was pleasantly surprised by WTW’s diverse culture and values since they were different than what I was accustomed to at my university. WTW takes great care and invests in their interns in the same way that they would their experienced hires. So far, I have faced some challenges, which is expected as an intern, but my team has been nothing but supportive and positive while ensuring that we get the job done effectively. Everyone has been approachable and the collaboration within the team allows everything to go smoothly. What has particularly made a lasting impact on me were the instances where my team members, by choice, would stay at work longer than scheduled to help me with anything I may have been facing difficulties with.
How have you developed since the start of your internship?
My growth and development have been apparent. Not only have I been doing technical work and working on client assignments, but I have also constantly been developing my communication and collaboration skills. My programming skills, problem solving skills and communication skills have all improved but most importantly I developed more confidence in myself. Being at WTW has been a constant learning process and my colleagues have given me plenty of feedback that has contributed to my development as well. I appreciate that although I’m an intern, I have been involved in many opportunities, real client assignments and tasks.
What is your goal upon finishing the program?
My goal for my internship program at WTW is to develop, learn and experience as much as I can – to have gained the necessary background knowledge for my development and future career, to have built lasting relationships and connections, and to have maximized my technical and soft skills. I want to have challenged myself to reach new limits and to receive as much feedback as possible to grow and prosper.
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Tell us about your role at WTW and a little bit about your current work style?
I am a Compensation Analyst for the Executive Compensation and Advisory Board team in the São Paulo, Brazil office. I provide general assistance to the team in terms of short and long-term incentive survey designs for executives and institutional research within the area. With the pandemic improving, my work style has become hybrid, where I go into the office occasionally but spend most of my time working from home. I consider this style of work to be great because I get to spend more time with my family and less time on transportation. These benefits allow me to increase my productivity and improve my overall wellbeing.
How do you find working within a globally recognized company?
It is a great pleasure to be part of a company of this size. Having the opportunity to learn, socialize and share knowledge with great professionals in the field always motivates to give my best.
How have you developed, whether professionally or individually, during your time at WTW?
I’ve been at WTW since October 2021 and ever since I joined the company, I’ve been able to improve my knowledge and my professional skills. Every day is a different learning experience with my teammates and my professional evolution has positively affected my personal life. My development continues every time I have new experiences with my colleagues and leaders, which means I can learn more every day. WTW provides us with the tools necessary to increase our intellectual capital and here in Brazil, I was able to take a Compensation Practices course that helped in my development as well.
Tell us about a memorable experience you’ve had at WTW.
As soon as I started, I was very warmly welcomed by my colleagues. My arrival was announced during an online meeting with directors and consultants in the area, which made me feel valued and at home right away. This helped me get comfortable with the team so that I could fulfill my work obligations in the best possible way.
What is the best piece of advice you would give a future WTW candidate?
Make the effort and dedication to be part of this company. Here you will be respected, you will have autonomy in the workplace, and you will be part of a company recognized worldwide for the quality of its delivery and its colleagues.
Team Pensions Administration
Segment Human Capital and Benefits
Location Mumbai, India
Year hired 2018
University/Degree Mumbai University
Personal skills or interests:
I have always been inclined towards teaching and mentoring. I like to keep myself updated and learn new things in my spare time. Other than this, I love traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures.
Can you tell us about your history with Willis Towers Watson?
I joined Willis Towers Watson as an analyst in pensions valuations in May 2018. It’s been almost three years since I joined the company and I must say that my journey to becoming a subject matter expert in this area has been enriching and fulfilling.
I had a background in insurance and with adequate assistance and training, I soon acquired the knowledge and expertise required for my role. The continuous support and excellent training provided by my senior colleagues have helped me channel my strengths and skills.
Can you tell us about the day-to-day responsibilities of your job?
My role as an analyst involves the management of pension schemes for multiple clients. I ensure that new and existing members’ pensions are accurately maintained and serviced. I also juggle between calculating pensions and forecasts, and preparing quotations, in addition to processing pension contributions while maintaining service level agreements.
What are the key challenges of your role? How have you overcome them?
Initially, understanding the finer details of pensions in the U.K. market was a challenge, given that my past professional experience was primarily in the U.K. insurance domain. I vividly remember the difficulties I faced when I worked on the transition of a new client account. Since I was new to the team, I was aware that this assignment would be particularly challenging. However, my senior colleagues and team gave me opportunities to learn, expand my knowledge on the subject and gradually become an expert. This equipped me with the skills and confidence I needed to take up the project again in April 2020. I worked closely with the team to ensure that the transition was smooth, despite working remotely. The client was extremely happy with how the requirements were met, which would not have been possible without the support of my team.
The recent shift to work from home due to the global pandemic has been almost overwhelming being a mother of a young child. My team has always been helpful and especially flexible with my work hours, allowing me to accommodate my daughter’s online school routine and daily activities. This has helped me establish a healthy work-life balance.
What is your proudest achievement since joining Willis Towers Watson?
I have been able to achieve several milestones during my time at Willis Towers Watson but there is one that I will always cherish. It was when our team received the ‘Best Team Award’, for our efforts on a key account of the company. Apart from this, I have also received three awards for outstanding work that I am grateful for.
How would you describe the culture at Willis Towers Watson?
The culture of a company can be inspiring, and this is something I have experienced since day one at Willis Towers Watson. The inclusive work environment has empowered me to focus on my career goals and grow professionally.
I value the transparency within the company, along with the flexible work environment that allows me to seamlessly balance work and personal life.
What do you like best about working at Willis Towers Watson?
I’ve had the opportunity to work with talented, smart colleagues that are always respectful and go out of their way to support each other. The core values like teamwork, integrity and excellence are upheld by all of the colleagues and across every level of the company.
Was there anything that surprised you about your role or the company?
Yes, the thing that surprised me the most was the empathy that was shown by the senior colleagues during challenging times. Their actions confirm that the company’s values are not just on paper but are put into practice every single day. They make it a point to lead by example and inspire the team by making them feel heard, supported, and valued.
What is your hope for your career in the future?
I want to ensure that I can learn and expand my knowledge and expertise to achieve quality results. In the future, I would like to develop my skills further to help my professional growth within the company.
Based on your experience, what advice would you give someone considering employment with Willis Towers Watson?
Working at Willis Towers Watson provides opportunities that will encourage you to strive for excellence and step closer to achieving your career goals. You will get the chance to grow both personally and professionally while truly living the shared values of integrity and teamwork. The organization and its colleagues are very supportive, and they encourage you to focus on your physical and mental wellbeing, which will help you stay motivated.
Team Retirement
Segment Human Capital and Benefits
Location Reigate, United Kingdom
Year hired 2013
University/Degree University of Nottingham, BSc Mathematics
Personal skills or interests:
Learning Japanese, travel and playing with my French bulldogs.
Can you tell us about your history with Willis Towers Watson?
I joined Willis Towers Watson in 2013 on the Consultant graduate scheme at the London office. Early on, I spent a lot of time attending training sessions, studying for my exams, getting to grips with the world of defined benefit pensions and climbing the steep learning curve. I qualified as a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in 2017 and around the same time I began taking on more responsibilities at work. My role shifted to focus on advice specifically for corporate sponsors of pension schemes, and I also took on some additional roles including being a committee member for the UK LGBT+ colleague Inclusion Network. I now support Scheme Actuaries and Lead Consultants to provide advice, ranging from funding to de-risking for a range of pension schemes that vary in size from tens of millions to several billions, including multi-million pound projects which span a number of years.
Can you tell us about the day-to-day responsibilities of your job?
Truly no two days are the same. Given the unique challenges that face each of my clients, the work we carry out and advice we provide is never the same between project to project which keeps us on our toes! A typical day for me will involve responding to emails and phone calls from colleagues, other advisers or clients, attending meetings either in person (before COVID-19) or over the phone, and reviewing or drafting advice, usually with a calculator in one hand and a red pen in the other.
What else are you involved in other than you day-to-day role?
I’ve had a number of opportunities including managing interns and developing the graduate training programme, but my most recent has been leading the events arm of the UK LGBT+ Inclusion Network. The network has gone from strength to strength: we now have over 750 members and run several events a month, ranging from networking events to fund raising and movie nights. I also love being involved in organising coffee breaks for my team and hosting virtual quizzes to provide a much needed break during the day.
What are the key challenges of your role? How have you overcome them?
The two biggest challenges I most commonly face are time management and stamina. While many of our projects have long-term timescales, there can be unexpected hurdles which mean you need to be flexible and manage your time well in order to successfully meet your client commitments. Stamina is also critical as you can quite often have busy days, weeks or months, whether it’s speaking to several clients a day or tackling multiple complex mathematical problems, so you need the endurance to keep going. Personally I find being diligent at taking regular breaks to be the main starting point for avoiding burnout and maintaining stamina.
What training and development opportunities have you enjoyed as a result of your role at Willis Towers Watson?
The graduate training programme for Retirement graduates is second to none. Coming from a teaching background, even I was blown away at how developed the programme was. It has since been further developed but for me, it was incredibly expansive, including a series of training modules that took place over a number of days, with a combination of written exercises, role-plays, practical and soft skill training and more.
However, possibly the most valuable training is what I received on the job. Learning and development are instilled in our culture, and colleagues constantly provide guidance and training as part of the way we work together. In my experience, this is particularly true of our Senior Consultants who are always willing to impart their wise knowledge and offer development opportunities to junior colleagues.
What’s been one of your most exciting projects to date?
In 2018 I was working on a project winding up a pension scheme by securing members’ benefits within the insurance market. This is a typical endgame for pension schemes although not many are quite at that stage, but I observed that this scheme was getting close. I ran some projections looking at the feasibility of a future wind up on the lead up to a client meeting and shared them with the Senior Consultant who suggested I raise the topic at the meeting. This culminated in the sponsor and trustees of the pension scheme conducting a formal feasibility project, which then led to the scheme eventually winding up. This became one of the very first deals of its kind in the market due to the scheme’s hybrid benefit structure of a defined contribution and defined benefit pension scheme, and the deal tackled the inequalities of pension entitlements between males and females.
What is your proudest achievement since joining Willis Towers Watson?
My proudest achievement is qualifying as a Fellow and passing all of my written exams first time. I put this down to a combination of hard work and the support I received from Willis Towers Watson. Between the generous study package, allowing me to pick and choose the materials that worked for me, and the proactive visible support of colleagues encouraging me to take the time I needed to study, the company made sure I had all the tools and time I needed to give each exam my best.
How would you describe the culture at Willis Towers Watson?
Professionally speaking, we have some of the greatest minds in the field who are very open and collaborative, which makes for an incredible place to work, learn and grow. However, this doesn’t detract from the fact we are all human and can have fun – even some of the most seasoned actuaries in the office can be caught at the Christmas party busting some moves on the dancefloor!
What do you like best about working at Willis Towers Watson?
I really value being part of such an inclusive and diverse team. I had a preconceived notion that all large companies in the financial services industry would be very ‘corporate’ and that I wouldn’t be able to relate to this new type of environment. However, my colleagues are so open, welcoming and represent such diverse backgrounds and each bring something different to the table. I also appreciate the support the company has given me to move from the London office to the Reigate office in Surrey, particularly around retaining my desired client allocations but helping to identify new opportunities in Reigate. Since my move, I’ve found what I believe to be ‘the best of both worlds’ – I have the large clients and complex projects that comes from working at a leading consultancy, with the benefits of a quicker commute and more green space (which is perfect for taking my dogs on a walk during my lunch break).
Was there anything that surprised you about your role or the company?
I previously completed my teacher training programme and expected that it would be looked down upon as irrelevant. However, it has been a huge benefit and was noted favourably in my recruitment process. Given that my job as an adviser centers around guiding and explaining technical concepts to a less technical audience, my teacher training was an invaluable transferrable skill.
I was also surprised to find people with such varied interests – whether that’s baking TV shows, sports or roleplaying games, you’re bound to find someone who has common interests with you here.
What is your hope for your career in the future?
My hope is to continue climbing the career ladder and be supported by the amazing colleagues and leaders at the company, as well as to help my clients solve their problems and deliver positive outcomes for pension scheme members.
Based on your experience, what advice would you give someone considering employment with Willis Towers Watson?
You must! Take the time to find more out about the company and the role on the Willis Towers Watson website and reach out to the recruitment team to get your questions answered.
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Risk Management Analyst, Gautami Kamath, shares her experience on finding out she had been chosen to become part of the High Performers Club and how this has encouraged her to continue growing as a professional at Willis Towers Watson.
Where are you based?
I am based in Mumbai, India.
How long have you worked at Willis Towers Watson?
I’ve been at Willis Towers Watson for over six years.
What are you responsible for at Willis Towers Watson?
I am responsible for training the Know Your Client Team in performing quality checks and enhancing the due diligence of financial crime sanctions.
How would you describe your experience working at Willis Towers Watson?
My journey at Willis Towers Watson has been a growth story ever since I started. Every day has brought a new opportunity to learn and grow as a professional.
What is your proudest achievement since joining Willis Towers Watson?
In 2020 I became part of Willis Towers Watson’s High Performers Club, which recognizes colleagues in India that have made outstanding contributions to our company’s growth. Being part of the High Performers Club comes with a lot of joy and responsibility. We’re the flag bearers of our company’s core values, which I will proudly continue to role model in order to positively influence new colleagues.
What was your initial reaction when you realized that you had made it to the High Performers Club?
It definitely took a few minutes for the news to sink in and to truly comprehend that I had finally made it to the High Performers Club. I was very grateful to see that my hard work had been recognized in such a unique way. I also felt a mixed bag of emotions, particularly happiness, pride, gratification, and of course encouragement to continue delivering excellent work.
What do you think helped you become part of the High Performers Club?
I followed the footsteps of colleagues who were already part of the High Performers Club. They helped me to identify growth opportunities and showed me how to align my work with the vision of Willis Towers Watson.
Is there anyone you would like to thank or who was integral to your experience?
My parents! They have supported and inspired me to stay on my toes and make the most of opportunities at first sight. I am also grateful to my mentors at Willis Towers Watson. They have guided and coached me so that I’m able to excel at my responsibilities.
Would you like to share any positive feedback that you have received at Willis Towers Watson?
I felt incredibly honored when one of my senior colleagues commended my excellent work and out-of-the-box thinking. I’ve also received feedback from fellow colleagues praising my collaborative ways of working.
What is your favorite part about working for Willis Towers Watson?
The healthy, collaborative, and transparent work culture at Willis Towers Watson motivates me to give my best and challenge myself every day. Also, the never-ending learning opportunities and recognition of our colleagues’ efforts truly inspire me to go above and beyond in everything that I do.
When you’re able to find extra time in your role, what do you do to further your professional growth?
I spend my extra time expanding my knowledge and building my skillset by researching about the latest regulatory guidelines on anti money laundering and sanctions as well as reading financial crime journals. I also like to study from the rich source of knowledge available on the Willis Towers Watson Intranet.
Based on your experience, do you have a message for colleagues aspiring to get to the High Performers Club?
Align your efforts and work with the company’s overarching vision.
Learn more about our different roles and business areas here.
Team Retirement
Segment Human Capital and Benefits
Location Reigate, United Kingdom
Year hired 2013
University/Degree Bristol University, BSc Mathematics
Personal skills or interests:
Knitting, crafting, sewing, cooking and anything else to do with channeling my inner crafter. I live in London and love going out to restaurants and bars.
Can you tell us about your history with Willis Towers Watson?
I was hired after university as part of a graduate intake. I have worked with a large variety of clients and taken on various different roles during my time at Willis Towers Watson. Currently the majority of my work involves acting as a consultant, advising trustees of a wide range of defined benefit pension schemes. I also do a small amount of corporate work and I have also taken on a managerial role in the team.
Can you tell us about the day-to-day responsibilities of your job?
In my role as a people manager, I need to keep in touch with my direct reports daily, allocate work to the appropriate colleagues within my team and help with wider long-term resourcing of projects. Being a manager provides unique challenges different from my consulting role, and no two days are the same.
For my consulting role, I need to make sure I work collaboratively with my client teams in order to complete work efficiently and in line with the required timescales. This can vary between simply providing a quick response to a client with some ad-hoc advice, to delivering a large project that takes place over a number of months.
What are the key challenges of your role? How have you overcome them?
Having lots of things on the go at once can be difficult, but this role has taught me the importance of being organised and prioritising or delegating my work when needed.
What’s been one of your most exciting projects to date?
I worked as a Project Manager on a major project for one of our largest Reigate clients. This involved over 30 people and months of work. My role was to co-ordinate the different sub-teams and keep everything on track. Sending out the final reports to the client after months of effort by the entire team was probably one of the most satisfying and exciting moments of my career. Knowing that the team has produced something that will impact so many people can be daunting, but the level of care taken with deliverables in Willis Towers Watson can give you confidence and pride in the end product.
What is your proudest achievement since joining Willis Towers Watson?
The project described in the previous question was probably my proudest achievement and earned me a Circle Award from our CEO. However, I personally feel that the best sense of pride comes from how we work as a team and help each other. For me, the sense of “team victory” is always when I feel proudest of being a part of Willis Towers Watson.
What training and development opportunities have you enjoyed as a result of your role at Willis Towers Watson?
I completed the graduate training programme during my first two years at the company which was invaluable. This programme provides the vital base of knowledge which underlies the work that we do. More informally, a huge amount of training and development comes from working on the job day-to-day and, in particular, from working closely with senior colleagues and learning from their experience. Being in such a large company enables me to work with a wide variety of people and therefore learn new things from each of them. I am still learning new things each day.
How would you describe the culture at Willis Towers Watson?
Like the rest of the world, 2020 has been an odd year for us. I think that the collaborative culture at Willis Towers Watson was highlighted during that period. People are so supportive, take time to check on their colleagues and always have time for each other.
Unlike many other companies, to shine here you just need to complete work to a high quality and people will notice and appreciate it. The culture lends itself to this way of working.
What do you like best about working at Willis Towers Watson?
Willis Towers Watson provides so many opportunities and a wide variety of clients and projects to work on. But for me personally, the people are the best part about working here without a doubt. I’ve learnt so much from the people around me and will continue to do so. I can’t remember a day where someone didn’t teach me something, or a day where I didn’t laugh working here. I’ve made lifelong friends at Willis Towers Watson and for that I am very grateful – my graduate year intake still all go away together every year!
Was there anything that surprised you about your role or the company?
For such a large company, there is still a small team feel where everyone knows everyone. We have so many people who are experts in their field, and you will inevitably end up working with many of them at some stage in your career.
What is your hope for your career in the future?
I am looking forward to exploring the various opportunities that are available to me at Willis Towers Watson and hope that in the future I will have a breadth of knowledge and experience in a wide range of work. I hope that in years to come I am still learning and doing new things.
Based on your experience, what advice would you give someone considering employment with Willis Towers Watson?
Do it!
Team Property & Casualty
Segment Corporate Risk & Broking
Location São Paulo, Brazil
Program Apprenticeship program 2018 and Internship program 2019
University Universidade Paulista
How did you come across our Internship program offering?
When the term of my Health & Benefits (H&B) apprenticeship contract was almost finished, the Property & Casualty (P&C) team offered me to join their Internship program.
Tell us a bit about your key responsibilities when you were an apprentice
As an apprentice in the H&B team, I learned how to quote and contract Individual Life and Travel Insurance and manage the relationship with clients. I also provided support to activities in the Life Insurance area.
What were some key things that you have learnt during your Internship program?
As an intern, I am learning how to work with Hub Network Outbound Support & Administration with Latin American countries and local clients. In addition, I’m also learning about internal global communications and the renewal of assistance of customer service provision, amongst other responsibilities.
Do you recall your best memory? Tell us about it!
Winning the tickets to the BRAZIL x BARBARIANS Rugby game! I am an avid rugby fan and I enjoy playing. Due to my academic and professional responsibilities I haven’t been able to find the time to play anymore. So being able to attend to a game with some colleagues was an amazing experience.
What did you like the most about our culture and values?
The caring treatment towards colleagues, recognizing and reminding us that we are not just numbers but people who are valued greatly.
Which other position(s) have you filled since you finished your Internship program and where? Did you ever imagine you would fill these positions when you were an intern?
I am still in the early careers program, but I feel more confident each day working on global programs’ processes. The range for technical and professional growth is large, which have been my goals since I joined Willis Towers Watson.
How did being an apprentice help you prepare for your current position at Willis Towers Watson?
Is there anyone you would like to thank or who was integral to your experience?
Willis Towers Watson is filled with expert professionals who are always ready to help other colleagues, like me, grow. I would like to thank my mentors: Adilson Dos Santos and Heney Fernandez as well as Paula Campos and Bruno Torres who discovered me and brought me to the P&C team. Also, I’m grateful for my H&B colleagues, Andrea Zaboni, Silvania Cardoso and Pedro Prata, who always supported me.
Lastly, I would like to thank Eduardo Escudeiro and Andressa Stail for the trust and willingness to guide and support me throughout the different stages of the programs.
What advice would you give to someone who’s eager to apply to a Willis Towers Watson Internship program?
Be prepared to join Willis Towers Watson with confidence and willingness to learn and execute. Your good work will be recognized!
Learn more about our early careers programs here.